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Your Details


Please enter your Name, Email Address and password. Your email is only for us to contact you, and to be used as your login to manage jobs. This will NOT be given out to applicants. Only your First Name is given out in any correspondence you have on this site.

Job Details

Services Required*
Dog Walker

Dog Sitter

Dog Daycare

Further Services
Dogs can be walked in a group

Want dog(s) to be walked alone

Overnight stay required at Sitters

Overnight stay required at your house

Holiday sitting required at Sitters

Holiday sitting required at your house

Ideal Rate*


Paid (Fill in details below):



Please enter all details of your Job.

All fields marked with an asterix (*) must be filled in, including the type of service required.

Enter the starting date and duration of the job. If you are unsure simply enter 'tbc'

Applications Close - the last date walkers can apply for this job.

Job Description

Application Notifications

None - I'll login and check myself

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All applications will be sent to the email address you entered above.

All Jobs will be approved by Customer Support before appearing on the site.

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Success Story

"A fabulous site that really works for dog walkers like me and their owners. Ive just started walking an adorable Labradoodle who goes by the name of Meg ... Thankyou Leanne and Justin for entrusting..."

- For the Love of Dogs -

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